Neil Schleifer
Mrs. Laura Connors has spent 36 years as a math teacher in the Pelham School District, beginning and ending her teaching career here. Connors began working at Pelham Middle School on February 6, 1984. She taught 7th and 8th grade math, and computer science in her first few years. After some time, she moved up to the high school, and taught Algebra, Geometry (regents and non-regents), Algebra II and Trigonometry regents, Intermediate Algebra, Functions, and Pre-Calculus, and Pre-Calculus honors.
Connors gained her inspiration for teaching in her junior year of high school.
“I was influenced by my father, who taught Social Studies for thirty-five years, and also by my high school trigonometry teacher. My father was always eager to share his many years of experience and my trigonometry teacher was organized and had a great way of enthusiastically conveying the subject. Math always came easy to me and I loved the subject. I too wanted to share my love for math with others,” Mrs. Connors said.
Being a teacher for 36 years is an astounding accomplishment, but can come with obstacles, as anything does.
“I would have to say the biggest challenges have been reacting to the frequently changing math curriculum as set by New York State and adjusting to ever changing technology. Frequent changes to curriculum require changes to lesson plans which have involved a great deal of time and effort. When I began at Pelham, mimeograph machines, overhead projectors and PC’s were “in”. Now we have graphing calculators, document cameras, laptops, chrome books, Smartboards, etc. I didn’t grow up with technology, so adjusting took time,” Mrs. Connors said.
At the end of the day, it was nothing but hard work and dedication for Connors. At every necessary and appropriate situation, she came into school ready to give 110% from the first bell until the last.
“I have loved being in the classroom and have enjoyed my years at Pelham. PMHS is a very special place, where I have had the pleasure to work with a professional and caring staff, including administration, teachers, teaching assistants, secretaries, school counselors and psychologists, custodians, security monitors, and a wonderful student body. I have seen many kids go on to graduate, and the whole environment has been amazing. I am proud and feel blessed to have spent my entire career in Pelham,” Mrs. Connors said.
Retirement seems to be very eventful for Connors post-teaching. After retirement, she plans on investing her time into hobbies that she will have more time for.
“I would like to volunteer and give back to my community, as well as spend more time on hobbies including tennis, bowling, pickle ball, and attending Mets games. I look forward to traveling and most importantly spending more time with family and friends. I am excited for the chance to have the ability to do things without having to follow a schedule,” Mrs. Connors said.