Starting New: How to Raise Grades for the 2nd Quarter

Nic Franchini, Staff Reporter, Junior

Grades are a daunting idea for almost every student in high school, and maybe you began the year with a rough start. Could it be that your study strategies were off? Was your time management in need of improvement? Did you not visit your teachers enough? All of these could be changed come the second quarter to give your grades a little boost before midterms roll around.

Time is precious. Teenagers often struggle with managing their time and recognizing priorities. Put the phone away — even if that means putting it in another room — and concentrate solely your work. Making school a higher priority than scrolling through social media is the mindset that will help you to succeed.

“One helpful thing I do to manage my time is I make a schedule. I literally live off of schedules,” senior Ariana Capanna said.

By learning how to handle your time, work gets done efficiently and leaves room to do stress-relieving and enjoyable activities.

Everybody has different preferences to relieve stress when they seem to be drowning in assignments. Though you might be tempted to watch TV or go out with friends, listening to music and taking a nap are probably the most effective strategies. By doing this, you calm yourself and recharge at the same time. So when you start your work, you are rested and relaxed.

The ability to manage your time well is also very important, but will not amount to anything without good study habits. These can consist of active studying and interactive work.

“I actively study by reviewing on Quizlet, and every time I get something wrong I write it in my notebook over and over again until I get it right,” junior Carolyn Moyle said. Instead of solely reading through notes and blankly flipping through pages, making flashcards or quizzing yourself helps to absorb information more and ensure an understanding of content.

Another large factor that can help to raise grades and fuel overall productivity is being organized. Organization can include making a schedule or keeping a planner, sorting papers, and staying on top of deadlines. One example of a way to stay organized is by having a binder or folder for your papers at home so they are all in one place for midterms or finals. Staying organized is not just keeping all of your papers in order, it is also keeping your schedule in order.

“Academy period is a great opportunity for students and more students should show up,” physics teacher Mr. DiBello says. Students get one-on-one time with their teachers to ask questions and discuss further improvement.

Visiting teachers for help and utilizing academy period has a very positive impact on your grade. Going the extra mile to meet with teachers after school for extra help displays a strong work ethic and a determination to succeed. Teachers acknowledge this effort and provide more help to the student which could very possibly have a positive impact on your grade.

Although grades are a scary thing, if you know the right tricks, you’ll be able to raise them with ease. Whether adjusting your time management skills, overall organization, or study habits, the road to improvement is near.