A Message from Senior Class President Joey Silva
Class President Joey Silva proudly displays his grade’s Olympic awards. Go class of 2019!
June 27, 2019
The class of 2019 truly is ‘The Class of the Century.’ I ran for president in eighth grade just to try something new. Ever since then, I have loved being in SA [Student Association] and continued to run all throughout high school. Although it’s time-consuming, I am grateful for all of the experiences I’ve had as president. We have had amazing, and in some cases, record-breaking, turnouts at our fundraisers and we have been a force to be reckoned with in Olympics since freshman year. We have grown together as a family and I’m insanely proud of what we have accomplished. One of the best moments we shared was winning Olympics. It was one of our last events in high school, and an achievement we’d worked towards for four years. To the class of 2019: thanks for everything! Always give 110 percent. We are the best grade ever and can do anything we set our minds to. Good luck and congrats on graduating!