A Message from Senior Class Advisor Mr. Luna
Class Advisor Mr. Luna is proud to have been a part of the class of 2019’s high school experience.
June 27, 2019
I was excited to work with you, as your class advisor, throughout your high school career and see you develop into young adults. Since the first year as your advisor, you have been an amazing class. You are one of the best classes I have seen. Getting to know students outside of your normal role in the classroom was a great learning experience. As advisors, Mr. Schembari and I are lucky that the class of 2019 has had strong leadership in the SA, plus a large number of students that are not part of the SA, but are always there to help get things done. The highlight of advising the class of 2019 has been seeing you come together during the Olympics. The level of student involvement and inclusiveness for events, and dedication and commitment for the decorations and silly walk practice is awe-inspiring. You are highly effective at motivating one another and your excitement during these events is contagious. I am very proud of this class and it has been a pleasure being your advisor. I wish you good luck in your endeavors after high school and I hope you continue to grow. I hope your level of enthusiasm motivates others to participate in positive experiences alongside you!