Interact Club Volunteers at Hope Community Soup Kitchen
Members of the Interact club are proud to do their part to help those community members who are most in need.
January 14, 2021
With the Covid-19 pandemic and winter weather plaguing many families in need, the Interact Club has volunteered at the Hope Community Services in New Rochelle as a pantry give-out team for the soup kitchen. Organized by the president of the club, senior Jamie Burke, the club has already worked there three times in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. Volunteers were tasked with different roles – keeping stations stocked, preparing bags, and handing out food. Interact members, other volunteers, and residents of the community also pitched in to spread some very needed winter cheer in these distressing times.
The Interact Club was founded this year in PMHS, by seniors Jamie Burke and VP Nevan Malwana, with Ms. Rice and Mr. Finegan as advisors. Created by Rotary International, Interact is a club for high-school students based around community service as well as international assistance.
The next volunteering opportunity at the soup kitchen will be on January 20, with other future community and international events on the horizon. Additionally, all volunteering and general Interact events award community service hours. The club has a focus on community service locally as well as worldwide and is looking to expand to global projects soon in the future.
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