Poetry Café 2021

May 20, 2021
PMHS’ annual Poetry Café was once again a success. Unlike previous years, however, a little poetic license had to be taken in the presentation of the event, due to COVID restrictions. Held May 12, in the courtyard adjoining the breezeway, the Café looked a little different than those of years past.
Poetry Café, was usually held during school hours, giving students the chance to publicly share their works, or read other published pieces of literature amongst a group of peers. Traditionally, students would go during English classes, participating by either reading works or listening to others. With coronavirus restrictions, a congregation of this many in such a small space was not possible. Still, determined to hold the beloved event, members of DOOR Magazine created a compatible solution.
DOOR, which runs Poetry Café, decided to hold the three-hour-long event after the Wednesday half-day school session. They invited all students who were interested in sharing their work and came up with a “lost in nature” theme. Tables outside were decorated with flower-filled mason jars and covered in past DOOR Magazines and poetry books. Balloons, a snack table, and a podium for readers were also used to retain as much of the time-honored feel as possible.
Following tradition, a contest was held in accordance with the theme. Students were challenged to write a piece of poetry or submit a photograph/art piece that they felt embodied being lost in nature. This year’s winners were 10th grader, Audrey Levenson and 11th grader, Sophia DesMarais who were given seats of honor at the Café, along with notebooks, and a gift card to local bakery, Flower Power.
Despite extenuating circumstances, Poetry Café was able to occur in person, unlike last year’s fully virtual version. Although the turnout was not as high as in normal years, the intimate atmosphere was a comfortable place to share creations.
“Though the attendance was not the same as it usually is, it was nice to do something in person since last year we had to go the virtual route. I enjoy witnessing the courage it takes for students to read in front of their peers, especially when they are reading their own original work. I myself get nervous when I read my poems at Poetry Café, but I also feel like the poem takes on new life and meaning when it’s shared aloud and heard by an audience. I appreciate the opportunity that DOOR provides to allow students to share their work in that way, both aloud at poetry cafe and in print with our magazine at the end of the year,” club adviser Mrs. Kiessling said.
Sophomore Audrey Levenson’s poem was selected as winner of DOOR’s contest. Here is her poem:
A Moment in the Woods
In the forest,
the mind wanders.
The chirps of car doors transform to become
a sparrow’s call,
and the tired lines of familiar faces
are etched away in the bark of the trees.
The loveliest of ideas dance between spice bushes;
are there any dreams left to find?
Or are they hidden,
beneath the fallen amber leaf,
in the squirrel’s nest,
nestled between branches,
balancing precariously and swaying in the wind.
Thoughts weave themselves into the spider’s web as
drops of dew glisten,
with the luminescent reflection of sunlight,
and infinite mornings,
transforming into quiet nights.
And you know,
the forest will always be there to welcome you home.
Junior Sophia DesMarais displays her winning artwork