Battle of the Bands Postponed Until Spring

Spencer Conrad, Co-Managing Editor, Sophmore

The Battle of the Bands has been postponed until mid-April although no new date has been announced. The decision was based on an SA vote which liked the format from last year which seemed to attract a bigger crowd for the bands.

This year the Battle of the Bands will once again be held outside the middle school in the courtyard near the breezeway. Tickets will be sold at 5 dollars per person. Students will once again be asked to bring their own seating to sit in pod seating. The seating will be outside but the audience will need to be masked to protect against COVID.

Ms. Nicole Marousek, the organizer of the event, said, “Our event in the spring drew a big crowd and we are hoping for the same thing this April. It doesn’t get much better than live music.”

Some who were looking forward to the event were a little disappointed, including the advisor, who is a big fan herself.

“Battle of the bands is one of my favorite events at PMHS,” Marousek said. “Students are able to showcase their talents in ways that we don’t usually see in the classroom. They choose what they want to showcase, and it’s really inspiring to see how talented and how excited the crowd gets when they hear a song they know or hear an amazing original. It’s really one of the best nights of the year!”

For bands looking to join the performance, there will be a sign-up sheet in the daily announcements and a later form will be sent in each student’s inboxes later this year. For those interested in the event there will also be two mandatory meetings to attend with the dates to be announced later. There is no limit to the number of bands that can perform, so anyone can participate. Any music genre or style is welcome.