…..For the longest time, Pelham Manor has been a happy and secure neighborhood where families feel safe to raise their children, make new friends, and pursue a life of happiness and peace of mind. Although the reason many people settled in Pelham Manor was for guaranteed peace and comfortability, that has been unfortunately shattered in the past few months by a series of unprecedented home invasions and robberies that have plagued the lives of many residents around the neighborhood with not only fear of the imminent danger lurking but also fueled with anger as they begin to call for action. Among this call for action, a debate on whether home security cameras should be used in Pelham Manor homes has emerged and although they might be somewhat costly, I believe that all Pelham Manor residents should invest in security cameras to ensure the safety of not only their homes, but additionally their families.
…..Regardless of why residents call it home, the fact of the matter is that residents love the lives they’ve built and the families and friends that came along the way. Due to this fact, the recent and unprecedented surge in home invasions has caused immediate concern within the various homes found within the community. The series of robberies came to a head on Monday, September 17th, where a resident reported that their home security camera picked up an attempt at forceful entry of their home at around 4:45 A.M. After the initial incident was reported, Pelham Manor Police went on record and said this attempted robbery wasn’t the first reported, and that they have had multiple incidents within the last 10 days. “When I first heard about them, I felt very nervous for my family and my house because you never really know who would be next in a situation like this”, said Ava Wibberley, regarding the incidents. After the story was released, many residents expressed a multitude of concerns about the safety of every family within Pelham Manor. Ava, along with many other residents in Pelham Manor have recently felt the urge to add additional protection to their home after the events unfolded, therefore, many have begun purchasing home protection equipment. This shows how necessary home security systems are.
…..Following the events, Pelham Manor Police Department Deputy Breda Brunette issued a series of warnings to homeowners across Pelham. These warnings ranged from keeping all doors and windows locked at night, turning alarms on if a homeowner owns one, and being very cautious. Additionally, a resident whose home was the victim of a robbery warned others to make sure they are on high alert and take as much precaution as possible, as one can never know the exact intentions of the people attempting to gain access to one home or personal property. So what does this mean for Pelham Manor as a whole? Well, apart from the inherent need to take extra care and precaution when shutting one’s house down at night, it is also crucially important to be wary of what others around you could be struggling with. The recent events in Pelham Manor showcase how useful and protective home security cameras have proven to be.
…..Despite many people’s claims that the home invasions are a sign that Pelham Manor is “going down the tubes”, that could not be further from the truth. The truth of the matter is that, in spite of these terrible incidents, every neighborhood has incidents that residents may rightfully find troubling, and that the truth of the matter is that it relies on the community itself to rise above these challenges. It is extremely important to support your neighbors and look after each other to get one another through difficult time periods and knowing who committed crimes with security cameras helps put people to justice and keep neighborhoods and families safe.
Pelham Home Invasions; Is Pelham Still Safe?
Recent theft within Pelham Manor has resulted in increased concern.
Jonah Snyder, Sub Editor
October 25, 2024
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