…..Two years ago in February, the Pelham Student Government announced the first annual 2023 winter formal, inviting all of Pelham Memorial High School to unite in the gymnasium to have fun with teachers and friends. Students from grades 9 through 12 were invited to come together and simply have a good time, to which many led the Student Government to believe the dance was a success. Two years after the formal, by popular demand, Ms. Rice and the student government decided to welcome in the frosty season by reprising the Winter Formal once again.
…..In the midst of the fall season, Ms. Rice and the student body leaders came together and deliberated as to whether or not to try again and organize the 2nd Annual Winter Semi-Formal. After the challenges to do so last year, and after careful consideration, they came together and agreed to host again for all high school students, a decision that resulted in optimal results. When asked about why she decided to sponsor the annual semi-formal, Ms. Rice promptly responded “I did it because that’s what the students wanted. That’s always why I will try to make something happen to honor all of your hard work. Last year we tried our best to host it again, but we couldn’t find a date to do it, which is actually why we held it in December this year as opposed to February like we did 2 years ago.” The first annual dance was an astronomical success due to the overwhelming number of ticket sales that raised a tremendous amount of money for the school. The funds enhanced the quality of the student, parent, and faculty life within Pelham. Additionally, the formal proved as a great way to help reduce grade-to-grade tensions and rivalry by uniting all classes from the freshmen to seniors for a night of fun and socializing. Kira Finikyan, the school-wide president and active member of the student government recounts her feelings about the event prior to the 2nd Winter Semi-Formal by stating “The student government is always looking for ways to bring all of the grades together, so we were super excited to be able to bring back winter formal! We felt like having a winter event was important to allow students to be together and make connections, since we’re still months away from spring events and the Olympics. Especially for underclassmen, the winter formal can give them an idea of what Prom will be like in a few years. This year, we moved to the middle school gym to allow for more students and we have a photo booth, so I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks.” After overcoming many challenges with the location and date of the dance, as well as improving on both the highlights and shortcomings of the previous formal, the student government, school board, and students were more than ready to buy tickets to welcome the winter season in under one fun night.
…..The Semi-Formal took place on December, 6th, 2024 in the middle school gymnasium, and began promptly at 7 pm, with the doors closing at 7:30. Inside, students and faculty alike arrived group by group and spent the night indulging in many of the fun activities that were provided by the school board. Whether it was taking group pictures in the photo booth or dancing on the gym floor, students and faculty had a tremendously fun time staying warm and cozy with their friends on the dance floor. Senior Stella Winter said the following when asked about why she attended: “I initially went to support my friends in the Student Government who made this dance happen, but stayed because of the fun I was having with my friends. I think the dance was a success all around.” Students who attended the Semi-Formal had a fantastic time celebrating with friends from 7 to 9 pm with the school-sponsored fun and festivities, with special thanks to the hard-working members of the Student Government who made it happen. Similar to the aftermath of the previous school-sponsored semi-formal, the vast amount of tickets that were sold leading up to the dance resulted in an unprecedented amount of money raised for the school. This is exceptional for not only Pelham School’s growth, but also the Pelham community itself, as this money can be used to pay for student and community events such as both Junior and Senior Prom, town festivals, and many other events that can help the Pelham community grow and thrive together. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s adolescent population suffered a great deal with social factors from quarantining, such as loneliness, depression, and social anxiety. Now, nearly 5 years later, our very own community within Pelham Public Schools is still suffering the consequences of these rapid changes in our social world. The socializing that happened during the 2 hours of the Semi-Formal, as well as the overall shared effort within the student body to have a good time, helped the students and faculty make new friends, develop pre-existing friendships, and establish new connections with students and teachers.
…..The 2nd Annual Winter Semi-Formal did a fantastic job at uniting the Pelham Memorial High School for a night of fun between friends and faculty, as well as further financially benefiting the schoolwide community in a variety of exceptional ways. With all the positive buzz from members of the Pelham Schools Community, it is safe to say that the dance was a hit, and has many people, especially the Student Government, looking forward to next year.