Pelham Participates in Restaurant Week

Sam Plunkett, Sports Editor, Junior

Earlier this fall, the Pelham Chamber of Commerce, an organization based on bringing together Pelham’s business and organizations, introduced Pelham’s first restaurant week. From Monday October 22 through Thursday October 25, seven local restaurants offered a free dessert to families who did not use their phones at dinner. This was done in an effort to “disconnect to reconnect,” especially within families. The dinners were accompanied by cards with conversations, as one of the main goals of the campaign was to have families talk rather than be on their phones. Bangkok City, Cantina Lobos, Marcello’s Wood-Fired Pizza and Restaurant, Pelham Pizza, Rockwells, Sakura, and Villagio Trattoria all participated.

“People enjoyed taking the time to go out to eat and then connect as a family,” said Clay Bushong, the President of the Pelham Chamber of Commerce. “The Chamber of Commerce partnered with Pelham Together in order to advance the campaign. Pelham Together’s campaign, Disconnect to Connect, inspired the idea for restaurant week,“ Bushong said.

The campaign was so successful that next year the Chamber of Commerce will look to repeat the event for a week in March in an effort to include even more businesses and restaurants.