Pel Mel Staff

The School Newspaper of
Pelham Memorial High School
575 Colonial Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803
(914) 738-8110 x 1360

Proud member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the National Scholastic Press Association and the American Scholastic Press Association.
Circulation: 1,000
Delivered: By Hand
Publisher: School Publications Company

Our Staff

Editors-in-Chief: Charlotte Edmunds, Johnny Liesman & Gavin Woods

News Editors: Quinn Humphrey & Sarah Jane O’Connor & Bernadette Russo

Associate Editor: Madeline Bryce

Features Editors: Madison DiFrisco & Camilla O’Keefe

Associate Editors: Caroline Franks & Ella Stern

Sports Editors: Henry Morjikian & Lang Sorice

Editorial Directors: Ben Glickman & Kate Soifer

Art Editors: Jayson Reynolds & Luca Rivera

Graphic Design & Layout Editor: Sarah Cullen & Chris Clough

Photography Editors: Katy Hart & Maria Comerford

Managing Editors: Madison Popovic & Lucy Edmunds

Contributing Staff: Asia Bertuccioli, Mason Brady, Daniela Christian, George Dunhill, Nicolas Franchini, Fiona Joffroy, Ryan Gregware, Julia Kaplansky, Adriana Kartanadi, Zachary Leonard, Cameron Montanarella, Madeleine Mullany, Dylan Nordstrom, Desmond O’Rourke, Leana Rutt, Maeve Parmelee, Ascensy Perez, Sam Plunkett, AJ Rella and Meghan Stevens

Faculty Adviser: Mr. Neil Schleifer

Our Mission

The Pel Mel strives to provide an open forum for students to voice their opinions and examine issues of importance. The staff encourages all who wish to do so to contribute. Every effort is made to maintain a balance of viewpoints that represents the student body.
The Pel Mel is the product of the Print Journalism elective. It is supplemented by members of the extracurricular newspaper club.
Readers are invited to submit opinion pieces of interest to the school, the student body, and the community at large. The opinions expressed in such pieces are not necessarily those held by the editorial staff.
Submission of a piece does not guarantee publication. Letters must be signed and will be subject to editing for space, grammar, and factual accuracy; however all efforts will be made to preserve the writer’s intent.
Anyone wishing to respond to an article or submit a piece for consideration may do so in a letter to the editor via e-mail at [email protected].