“To the victor belongs the spoils.” These were the words from Senator William L. Marcy, referring to the victorious Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828. In the context of the issue of undocumented immigrant busing, it refers to the need of democratic cities to feel the consequences of the disastrous policies that they voted for. I’d like to make it clear that I am vehemently opposed to undocumented immigrant busing, but only because I believe that our border policy should be strict enough so that that undocumented immigrants can never cross the southern border illegally in the first place. In the context of our current administration’s lackadaisical approach towards illegal immigration, supported by Democratic voters from urban areas, it couldn’t be more clear that undocumented immigrant busing is needed in this country. The main question is this: Who should be responsible for housing undocumented immigrants – Southern, Republican border states who are all staunchly opposed to illegal immigration and voted against the current administration which has allowed it to skyrocket, or urban Democrats who sit safely in their cities hundreds or thousands of miles away from the border, all while voting for the administration that allowed the current mess of illegal immigration to happen in the first place? In the United States, progressive states across the country have claimed sanctuary status (meaning that undocumented immigrants that were found in those states would not be deported without the jurisdiction of the state or local government), such as California, New York, and Colorado, and liberal voters and politicians within these states have attempted for years to “educate” southern republican border states that the way to resolve the undocumented immigrant crisis was through tolerance and acceptance. Of course it’s easy for them to say when they aren’t the states that have had to face the record high numbers of undocumented immigrants entering their state due to the Biden administration’s abysmal handling of one of our nation’s most important issues. However, undocumented immigrant busing has forced these democratic politicians to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to this issue. New York City Mayor Eric Adams personally welcomed illegal asylum seekers bused from Texas at Port Authority in August of 2022, but since then, more than a hundred thousand migrants have arrived in the City in the year since. Adams responded by saying that the migrants are going to “destroy New York City.” The numbers of migrants in New York City pale in comparison to the amount still flowing into the southern border states, but even the amount that New York did get was enough to make democrats such as Eric Adams eat their words. There is evidence that the migrants are causing chaos in cities such as New York, but the solution is not to have them go wreak havoc on republican border states who support stricter immigration, the solution is for democratic politicians and voters to admit that they were completely wrong on the issue of illegal immigration, and the borderline inactive Biden administration to wake up and implement stricter border policy to keep undocumented immigrants out in the first place. Until then, every single undocumented immigrant should be bused to a democratic city near you, because the beautiful thing about the United States is that you get what you voted for.
Op-Ed: Undocumented Immigrant Busing
Christopher O’Meara, Opinions Editor
October 7, 2023
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